Friday, December 28, 2012

build-couchdb on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise)

I'm not sure if anyone else has had this issue with running rake for the awesome build-couchdb script on Ubuntu 12.04, but I kept getting an error:

odd number of arguments to Hash

I don't really know Ruby, but I think this might just be because the default ruby install in Ubuntu is ruby 1.8, and the Hash initialization that build-couchdb uses in the rake task is a ruby 1.9 thing only.  However, after I hacked the distros.rb file to use a saner (1.8-like, I guess) initialization, it seems to work just fine.  So, if you do this, I guess you don't have to worry about installing a later ruby 1.9 build or anything.  You can keep using the default Ubuntu one.  Here's the gist:

Just copy that over to build-couchdb/tasks/lib/distros.rb, and all the rake commands for build-couchdb should work.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Google Music with Scrobbling to

There's a user javascript script for this written by this dude, Daniel Slaughter:

Now you can scrobble and <3 the music from your ridiculous Google Music collection into

You'll need Gresemonkey if you use Firefox (

You should be able to just install and run the script if you use Chrome (no extensions required).

I don't know about Safari, and Opera has that user.js thing which I forgot how to use.  But, it's probably possible.

Oh yeah, and if you want to check out my